Access Jira features directly
through OTJ-Jira for Outlook
Frequently switching between Microsoft Outlook and Jira is both time-consuming and annoying. Our OTJ-Jira for Outlook is an extension of your email inbox, letting you intuitively access all relevant Jira features right from Microsoft Outlook.
Email remains the lifeblood of business and will do so into the foreseeable future. When it comes to email in the business world, Microsoft Outlook has long ruled the roost.
Many small and big enterprises have been using Jira for both internal and external project management and software development. Every day we see just how effective and valuable this centralized task management system is.
Staying on top of your work can be challenging in today’s world of multiple time zones. Different methods of communication and constant context switching. Wouldn’t it be nice to get all the information you need without having to log in to several apps to understand what the issue is?
Let us share with you a wide range of features that you can enjoy while using OTJ-Jira for Outlook
1- Fast, flexible and powerful integrations
OTJ-Jira for Outlook has been designed to facilitate the interaction between outlook and Jira
2- Create issues from emails through OTJ-Jira for Outlook
You can create issues smoothly and flexibly as if you are working directly from Jira. No need to access Jira to have all the features. Add e-mail attachments, attach your e-mails to your newly created ticket and much more, directly from OTJ-Jira for Outlook.
3- Control the content of any e-mail
Upon using an e-mail to create/update a ticket in JIRA. Often there are many unnecessary content such as e-mail header, timestamp, inline images, etc. Good thing OTJ is there! Control these things in order to perfect your comments and tickets
4- Comment on multiple Jira issues at once through OTJ-Jira for Outlook
Sometimes, the same comment you once put on your JIRA ticket, needs to be set on multiple issues/requests. OTJ allows you to quickly do that automatically. Just search and select up to 5 requests in order to comment on them.
Eliminate long email chains using comments. where you can save all the relevant task information; notes, links, files, and more, right inside your tasks with comments.
5- Update an issue with multiple emails at once
Avoid attaching more than one e-mail to your JIRA ticket manually. Select up to 5 e-mails of your choice, right-click, and BAM! Your ticket will automatically include these e-mails as attachments.
6- Create sub-tasks with OTJ-Jira for Outlook
By OTJ Jira for Outlook, you can create sub-tasks. Each sub-task can be worked upon by a separate person. In turn, this allows monitoring the progress of the main issue in a better way.
7- Log work an issue
8- Customized Language Preferences
We are in a world of diversity. Whether it is language, culture or lifestyle. Since we try to come closer, there comes an urge to find something that is common and can build the connects.
With OTJ Jira for Outlook, you can customize your preferred language to increase comfort and enhance channels of communication.
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what you are waiting for?
Try OTJ – Jira for Outlook for free now and get behind the wheel, there is still so much left to discover